Project Goal

    Through the Baltimore Convention Center, this project aims to bridge the gap between Otterbein and the downtown cycle track.

    What type of bike route is being built?

    A portion of the route will be a separated bikeway, another portion will utilize a sharrow design.

    What is a separated bikeway?

    It is a dedicated portion of roadway for preferential use by bicycles that is physically separated from vehicle travel lanes.

    What is a sharrow bikeway?

    A sharrow bikeway is when a pavement marking (in this case two inverted Vshapes above a bicycle) is added to indicate motorists and cyclists should share the roadway (sharrow = share the roadway).  

    Why was a separated bikeway chosen for this route?

    The connection through the Convention Center is a high-stress gap between the downtown cycle track and an Otterbein bike route.

    How was this route chosen?

    The spatial analysis for the 2017 Separated Bike Lane Network Plan identified this segment as a high value connection.

    What is this project’s funding source?

    This project is funded through the Kim Lamphier Bikeways Network Program, which provides grant support for a wide range of bicycle network development activities. Please contact us directly if you’d like grant specifics.  

    Construction timeline

    The project will be constructed the summer of 2024.