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This project has been concluded!
The Baltimore City Department of Transportation completed the Transit Development Plan (TDP) process in late 2022.
The Cherry Route, one of the recommendations from the plan, will begin service on June 23, 2024. The new route will serve the Cherry Hill community, Baltimore Peninsula, Riverside, Federal Hill and the Inner Harbor.
The TDP's proposed changes to the Purple Route, including shortening the route on the southern end and extending the northern terminus of the route east to 33rd and Greenmount Ave, will also be implemented on June 23.
The Baltimore City Department of Transportation is working with partners and stakeholders to determine the timing and feasibility of other changes proposed in the plan.
The Baltimore City Department of Transportation completed the Transit Development Plan (TDP) process in late 2022.
The Cherry Route, one of the recommendations from the plan, will begin service on June 23, 2024. The new route will serve the Cherry Hill community, Baltimore Peninsula, Riverside, Federal Hill and the Inner Harbor.
The TDP's proposed changes to the Purple Route, including shortening the route on the southern end and extending the northern terminus of the route east to 33rd and Greenmount Ave, will also be implemented on June 23.
The Baltimore City Department of Transportation is working with partners and stakeholders to determine the timing and feasibility of other changes proposed in the plan.
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Baltimore City DOT is working to develop a new Transit Development Plan for the Charm City Circulator.
The routes prioritize the neighborhoods with the highest percentage of households who don’t have cars and close gaps in places where MTA buses don’t cover with the circulator’s service area.
This plan recommends changes to these routes based on a data- and equity- driven approach. The proposed changes make meaningful connections from where people live to shopping and employment centers and other priority destinations including grocery stores and hospitals.
We are holding a public comment period from April 18 – May 13th to hear feedback on the proposed service improvements that will be outlined in the Transit Development Plan.
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Quote from Mayor Scott from the State of the City address on April 6, 2022.
“ I am proud to share that over the next few weeks, we will release a draft transit development plan for public comment. This plan recommends changes to these routes based on a data- and equity- driven approach. The proposed changes make meaningful connections from where people live to shopping and employment centers and other priority destinations including grocery stores and hospitals. The routes prioritize the neighborhoods with the highest percentage of households who don’t have cars and close gaps in places where MTA buses don’t cover. “
Details on the public meeting registration and Public Comment period will be released very soon.
The Baltimore City Transit Development Plan (TDP) is steadily moving forward to providing a transit investment strategy. Extensive outreach over the past several months has provided a wealth of information. The data collected and has been analyzed. Draft route optimization options are near completion. We are looking forward to sharing the Draft TDP in the near future. A second public meeting will be held to get your feedback.
Stay tuned for future information, materials, and events by subscribing for project updates.
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The Baltimore City Transit Development Plan (TDP) is a planning process that will develop a five-year transit investment strategy for the Charm City Circulator (CCC) bus and Harbor Connector ferry service. The Plan will identify opportunities where the Charm City Circulator and Harbor Connector services can improve transportation routes and equity within the Charm City Circulator and Harbor Connector service capacity.
Why Interesting to the public and what it will accomplish
Mayor Brandon Scott issued a February 2021 Transition Report that outlines strategies for Building an Inclusive, Equitable Economy. The Transition Report outlines five potential actions related to the BCDOT public transportation program. The TDP is intended to address the transportation recommendations as outlined in Mayor Brandon Scott’s Transition Report. The TDP’s final deliverables will include strategies and potential route changes to the existing four Charm City Circulator routes and three Harbor Connector routes including:
Recommendations to reconfigure the Circulator Routes
Identifying CCC service gaps
Service changes needed to reach employment centers
Reconfiguration opportunities with institutional shuttle services
Refocus Harbor Connector to serve job centers and accelerate tourism
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Public Meeting #1
This is recording of the 1st Public Meeting for the Transit Development Plan for the Charm City Circulator and Harbor Connector Services